Cross-Section Analysis – Mohr’s Circle (3)

„Przekroje kołem się toczą…” Welcome to the third part of the article on analyzing cross-sectional parameters. This part will focus on the analytical calculation of principal central moments of inertia and the graphical interpretation of moments of inertia, known as...

Cross-Section Analysis – Moments of Inertia (2)

Welcome to the second part of the article on the analysis of cross-section parameters. In this section, I will cover everything you should know about geometric moments of inertia for cross-sections. In this part of the article, we will cover the following topics:...

Introduction to Cross Section Analysis (1)

The third article of the MechaDevs Blog will cover a very simple (and really schematic) topic: the calculation of cross-section parameters for beams, frames, and trusses. Before reading this article, it’s definitely essential to first check out the article on...