Gerber Beam (with hinges) – calculation example

In the previous article, I presented the procedure for calculating support reactions in the case of straight (continuous) beams. If you haven’t read it yet, I encourage you to catch up on the material, and then proceed with calculating beams online using the EquiBeam...

Beam Calculation – Example

After reviewing the theory on calculating support reactions, it’s time for some practice. In this article, I will analyze two typical examples to help you better understand how to “calculate beams” in practice – i.e., perform static and kinematic analysis and...

Calculation of Support Reactions in Statically Determinate Beams (3)

Here’s the third part of the article about the basics of statics. In this article, you will learn how and why we calculate support reactions and what statically determinate systems are. I will also show how we analyze such systems using EquiBeam. In this article, we...

Geometric Rigidity of the System (2)

Oto druga cześć artykułu związanego z podstawami statyki. Głównym tematem omawianym w tej części będzie geometryczna niezmienność układu, która jest związana z jego podparciem. W ramach artykułu omówimy tematy: Supports – kinematic constraints Geometric immutability...

Degrees of Freedom and Equilibrium Equation (1)

Here’s the first article I’ve created for you as part of the MechaDevs Blog. In it, I’d like to introduce the basics of the wonderful branch of mechanics called statics and explain some concepts we’ll need for further discussions on mechanical and strength...