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You will learn the basics of mechanics. You will see how simple beam calculations are in EquiBeam. You’ve just found help for your mechanics exam preparation.

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Beam Calculation – Example

After reviewing the theory on calculating support reactions, it’s time for some practice. In this article, I will analyze two typical examples to help you better understand how to “calculate beams” in practice – i.e., perform static and kinematic analysis and...

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Geometric Rigidity of the System (2)

Oto druga cześć artykułu związanego z podstawami statyki. Głównym tematem omawianym w tej części będzie geometryczna niezmienność układu, która jest związana z jego podparciem. W ramach artykułu omówimy tematy: Supports – kinematic constraints Geometric immutability...

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EquiBeam is much more than just a beam calculator

I can actually start my first MechaDevs News post by saying – WE DID IT! Yes, three years after a conversation (on a small balcony) between a computational mechanic and a programmer about an interesting idea for an app, after many late nights spent on coding and...

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